The objective of this research is to identify and determine the major vascular and urologic complications in kidney transplantation recipients at our center. Records of 786 patients subjected to renal transplantation were retrospectively reviewed to analyze the major postoperative complications. The complications were grouped as vascular and urologic. Six (0.76%) recipients developed vascular complications. Renal vein thrombosis (2 patients 0.25%) and stenosis kinking of renal artery (2 patients 0.25%) was the most common followed by renal artery disruption (1 patient 0.125%) and iliac vein laceration and uncontrollable bleeding lead to death of diabetic, fatty woman recipient (1 patient 0.125%). Thirty two recipients developed urologic complications. In decreasing order frequency, there were seventeen (2.16%) cases of urine leakage of which only 5 cases responded to concervative management, six (0.76%) urinary obstruction due to ureteral stricture, six (0.76%) distal ureteral necrosis, and 4 (0.5%) patients developed renal calculi. The complication rates in our kidney transplantation are low, and considered acceptable. These results reflect our center's focus on thorough preoperative evaluation, meticulous surgical technique, intensive postoperative care, and prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment of complications.