Cyclosporin microemultion-Neoral (cya) is one of the major immunosuppressants used in renal transplant recipients. We retrospectively evaluated efficacy of SD in 15 renal transplant recipients (RTR) with C2,twelve hours cya profile(C0-12) and area under the concentration-time curve(AUC).An equal number of matched recipients were selected as control. There were six patients (40%) having viral hepatitis in SD group (SDG) compared to non in the control group (CG).There was significant difference in C2,C0-12 and AUC before and after shifting to SD (p=0.001).The mean AUC was significantly below the average therapeutic range (3154.68) in SDG before shifting (SDGB) versus (5532.61) in SDG after shifting to SD (SDGA), and (5891) in CG which are therapeutically adequate. The total daily cya dose (cya/d) required was significantly less in SDGA (p=0.006). Even though seven episodes of clinical cya nephrotoxicicity were recorded in CG,non had it in SDGA (p=0.006).There was no significant difference in rejection episodes between CG and SDG(one episode in each group).The side effects were significantly less in SDGA.We conclude that administration of cya should be individualized in RTR with C2 and AUC profiling since some patients require only SD.SD has an added advantage of decreased side effects while maintaining optimal graft function. RTR with viral hepatitis should be considered for SD awaiting further studies.