For a variety of reasons, primary renal transplantation is not successful. The purpose of this study was to review the results of retransplantation at our center. Between March 1976 and March 2004, 1600 renal transplants were done, among them 62 patients received a second graft. Of these recipients 47 were male with a mean age of 31.7 ± 8.3 yr. The donor source was 56 related with a mean age of 34.4 ± 8.1 yr. The main duration of first graft was 55.1 ± 49.9 months (range, 1–202 months) the main cause of these graft failure was immunological. The average duration of graft failure was 21.3±11.5 months. HLA -A,-B > 3 was 19.7%.The immunosuppression regimen was mainly CsA – based (65%).There was 46 episodes of acute rejection in 29 patients. The major complications were hypertension (72.4%), infections (30.6%), and hepatitis (11.4%). The overall graft and patient survival was good, 17 grafts (27.4%) were lost during the follow up period ranged between 6 months and 19 yr. There were 11 patient deaths, 6 of them with a functioning graft. Multivariate analysis showed that donor relationship, primary immunosuppression, duration of first graft and serum creatinine at 1 year is predictors for graft survival. We conclude that renal retransplantation is the treatment of choice in patients who lost their grafts. Use of related living-donor and potent immunosuppression could help to improve outcome