Renal transplantation (RTx) is widely accepted as the preferred method for treatment of children in end stage renal failure. This is a retrospective analysis of the results of RTx in children which has been started for the first time in Syria since November 2002 at our centre. Patients and methods: a total of 154 RTx procedures have been performed in our centre during this study (from November 2002 till June 2004); 9 recipients (6 %) were younger than 14 years of age. The mean age was 11 years with range from 5 years to 14 years. 5 (55 %) were males and 4 (45 %) were females. All kidneys were harvested from living donors, of whom one (11 %) paternal donors, 4 (45 %) maternal donors; Donors where living related in 6 (66 %), and 3 ( 35%)were living unrelated .The cause of End Stage Renal Disease in these patients were Reflux Nephropathy in 3, hypoplastic kidneys in 2, polycystic kidney disease in one, Rapidly progressive Crescentic glomerulonephritis in one, Alport syndrome in one, and chronic pyelonephritis in one patient. All grafts were placed extraperitoneally. Induction immunosuppression in immunologically high-risk patients was with ATG in one patient and Basiliximab in another one. Immunosuppression was based on triple therapy. Maintenance immunosuppression was with Cyclosporine, CellCept, and prednisolone; or Tacrolimus, CellCept, and prednisolone. The mean duration of follow was 9 months {one month to one year 8 months}. 9 (100 %) patients are alive with functioning graft in 9 (100 %) of these 8 (88 %) have normal graft function and one (11%) has mild graft dysfunction. Complications encountered were infections in 3 patients, mild biopsy-proven chronic rejection in one patient which was probably due to poor compliance. Post RTx surgical complications were not encountered. We conclude that despite the small number of patients and the short time of follow-up, the results of paediatric renal transplant are encouraging.