Objectives: Adult dual kidney transplant is a strategy to overcome the imbalance between limited nephron mass supplied from an older donor and a recipient with a metabolic request.
Materials and Methods: In our report, we review the literature and present our single-center experience. From June 2007 until July 2012, nine hundred twenty-eight single and seventeen dual kidney transplants from deceased donors were performed.
Results: The average donor was 71.5 ± 3.6 years of age with an average serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, and an average number of sclerotic glomeruli, 106.1 ± 44.2 µmol/L, 0.97 ± 0.37 mL/s, and 22.4 ± 14.2. Immediate graft function and acute rejection episodes were observed in 75% and 6% of patients. The overall patient survival rates at 1 and 2 years after transplant were 93%. The overall graft survival rates at 1 and 2 years were 88%.
Conclusions: Previous studies and our single-center experience suggest that the dual transplant procedure may help improve results of kidney transplants from expanded criteria donors and extend the donor pool by using kidneys that would be discarded otherwise.
Key words : Dual kidney transplant, Elderly donors, Expanded criteria donors
Earlier, we would reject organs from donors over 60 age years because of fear of diminished posttransplant function.1 In 2002, extended criteria donors (ECDs) began to be used in clinical transplant.2 However, the discard rate of these marginal donor organs was twice that of standard criteria donors (SCDs).3 One strategy in overcoming the imbalance between the limited nephron mass (supplied from older donors) and the metabolic request of the recipient is dual kidney transplant (DKT). The first DKT was performed in the United States in 1996 by Johnson and associates.4 We review the data and present our single-center experience with adult DKT.
Review of the literature
This review focuses mainly on selection of donors; it briefly describes
surgical technique, immunosuppression, and posttransplant results in DKT in
adults. As the data source, MEDLINE database was used. We used OVID, PubMed, and
Web of Science searching platform until 2012 to collect the most relevant data.
Key words were used: “dual/double” and “kidney/renal” and “ transplantation.”
From 84 papers, there were 55 journal articles, 22 case reports, and 7 review
Selection of donors for dual kidney transplant
An accurate selection of kidneys for DKT remains crucial. There is always a
chance that the selected kidneys might be suitable for single kidney transplant
(SKT).5 Therefore, the role of a DKT remains unclear and is a matter
of debate. Despite the proposed criteria from both retrospective and prospective
studies (Table 1), selection of donors for DKT has no uniformity among
transplant centers.6 Generally, donor age, donor renal function on
admission, history of hypertension or diabetes, preimplantation kidney
histology, and pulsatile perfusion parameters have been used as scoring
parameters. Donor estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a criterion
used for decision making in DKTs. Centers participating in dual kidney groups
perform DKT with kidneys from donors with eGFR under 1.5 mL/s and > 55 years of
age that have been refused for single organ transplant by local centers.7
However, subsequent analyses of these patients reveals that the recipients of
DKTs from donors 54 to 60 years old had low serum creatinine levels up to 2
years after transplant and that may mean that these kidneys could have been used
for an SKT.8
Singh and associates9 found that donors with an eGFR of 1.2 mL/s for a DKT was a better discriminator kidney transplant function than was an eGFR of 1.5 mL/s. In a recent prospective study, Snanoudj and associates10 found that a donor eGFR between 0.5 and 1.0 mL/s was easily applicable to allocate ECD kidneys from donors over 65 years of age for a DKT. This finding also was confirmed by Timsit and associates,11 in which kidneys with an eGFR of 0.5 to 1.0 mL/s from ECD donors were used for DKTs.
Current United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) guidelines12 recommend considering DKTs if any 2 of the following criteria are present: donor age > 60 years old; an eGFR < 1.1 mL/s, rising serum creatinine at the time of recovery > 221 μmol/L); donor medical history (defined as either long-standing hypertension or diabetes mellitus); donor kidney histology (defined as moderate to severe glomerulosclerosis > 15% and < 50%). Another approach for using kidneys for a DKT is preimplantation biopsy results in an ECD.13 In 1999, the International Panel of Pathologists suggested a biopsy-based scoring system for older kidneys with scores ranging from a minimum of 0 (no lesions) to a maximum of 12 (marked changes in vessels, glomeruli, tubules, and connective tissue).14 Kidneys with a score of 3 or lower were recommended for single transplants, and scores between 4 and 6 were considered suitable for DKTs. Kidneys with a score of 7 or more were discarded. A prospective matched cohort study showed that kidneys from donors > 60 years of age were allocated to DKTs according to the Remuzzi histologic score providing they had the same graft function at 6 months as renal grafts did from ideal donors.14 This result also was confirmed in another prospective study by Remuzzi with a longer follow-up.15
In a recent retrospective study, Fernández-Lorente and associates16 analyzed the effect of preimplantation histologic scores in SKTs and DKTs. Those authors confirmed that in SKTs, long-term graft survival was similar for histologic scores of 4 and ≤ 3, and in both cases, better than 5. Conversely, in DKTs, histologic scores of 4, 5, or 6 had no effect on graft survival. These results suggest that only scores of 5 and 6 should be allocated for DKTs.
The percentage of sclerotic glomeruli alone is a widely accepted parameter associated with poorer graft outcomes in SKTs and often used as a scoring parameter for DKTs. A group of Spanish authors17 allocated kidneys for DKTs based on donor age over 75 years or, in donors aged 60-74 years with glomerulosclerosis between 15% and 50%.17 In retrospective study of the UNOS data, graft with glomerulosclerosis over 20% had a similar 1-year graft survival in SKT and DKT patients.18 A composite score, including clinical, perioperative, and histologic parameters, also is used for DKT selection. In a study by Dietl and associates,19 scores based on donor age, serum creatinine, kidney weight, and degree of glomerulosclerosis was used to allocate kidneys for single or dual transplant. For each parameter, the score was 0 or 1 according to the values below or above a predefined cut-off level of 65 years for age, 159 μmol/L for serum creatinine, 30% for the degree of glomerulosclerosis, and 300 g both kidneys). The score of 1 or less resulted in an SKT, the score of 2 resulted in a DKT, and the score of > 2 resulted in refusal of the organs. At 1 year, such SKTs had similar graft survival but worse graft function when compared with dual transplant recipients.19
Increasing use of pulsatile machine perfusion for ECD kidneys offered additional data that could be used for decision-making regarding kidney allocation. Stratta and associates20 found that ECD kidneys with flow rates of > 80 mL/min and the resistance < 0.40 mm Hg/mL/min after a minimum of 6 hours on pulsatile perfusion were acceptable for DKTs. Data by Hugen and associates21 in a study of 60 DKTs also showed that kidneys used for DKTs had lower final renal resistance compared with discarded kidneys.
Surgical technique of dual kidney transplant
Compared to SKTs, DKTs are more-demanding surgical procedures, resulting in
longer surgical times and increased risk of surgical complications.6
Both kidneys can be transplanted together in 1 (unilateral) or 2 (bilateral)
separate iliac fossae through an extraperitoneal or a transperitoneal approach.22
Many transplant centers perform DKTs using bilateral technique with 2 separate
extraperitoneal incisions. Boggi and associates23 showed a higher
incidence of lymphoceles using unilateral graft placement compared with kidneys
transplanted as separate grafts; also these grafts had a higher risk of
hemorrhage with bilateral incisions. However, all previously described DKT
techniques with standard vascular and ureteral anastomoses have been associated
with significantly higher rates of early renal graft thrombosis, but similar
rates of lymphocele, urinary tract fistula, and wound infection compared to
SKTs.17 In the study by Ekser and associates24 with 100
unilateral DKTs, the authors reported surgical complication rates comparable to
those of SKTs. On the other hand, in a recent study by Timsit and associates,11
unilateral placement of both allografts was associated with an increased risk of
single graft loss.
Immunosuppression protocol
Most groups recommend standard triple immunosuppression protocol with the
use of a calcineurin-inhibitor.6,17 Cruzado and associates25
analyzed 2 groups of patients who received either cyclosporine-based
immunosuppression (cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisolone) or
calcineurin-inhibitor–free protocol (thymoglobulin induction, sirolimus,
mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisolone), and did not find differences in graft
function or survival using calcineurin-inhibitor–free immunosuppression. Another
paper compared calcineurin-inhibitor–free with cyclosporine-based
immunosuppression protocols and reported significantly lower rates of delayed
graft function (DGF) and a lower rate of cytomegalovirus infection in the
sirolimus group with no difference in creatinine at 1 year.26 The
incidence of acute rejection in DKT recipients was shown to be lower than it was
in SKTs,6,12,14 which suggests the possibility that increasing the
antigenic load does not enhance immune response.13
Outcomes of dual kidney transplant
To date, many case reports, retrospective, and some prospective studies have
analyzed early and long-term results of DKTs and have compared them to SKT
outcomes. Table 1 describes the results of all prospective and large
retrospective studies with at least 50 patients enrolled, studying patients
after adult DKT. The publications were selected according to systematic review
in PubMed database until 2012.
Materials and Methods: Our experience
Study design
For the purpose of our study, we retrospectively examined our database. In the
time between June 2007 and July 2012, nine hundred twenty-eight single, and
seventeen adult DKTs from deceased donors were performed. We analyzed the
posttransplant outcomes (considering graft and patient survival rates,
occurrence of DGF defined as the need for dialysis within the first week after
transplant; acute rejection episodes [biopsy confirmed]; reoperation rate and
cause; and serum creatinine at 1, 6 months, and 12 month after DKT). Grafts were
considered “nonviable” in the following cases: graft nephrectomy, recipient’s
death, and return to dialysis. The loss of 1 graft out of 2 was classified as a
“functioning kidney graft.”
Indication criteria for dual kidney transplant
Kidneys from donors aged ˃ 65 years with eGFR < 1.1 mL/s or donors aged ˃ 65
years, with a history of hypertension or diabetes, were considered for DKT.
During the retrieval, kidneys were examined macroscopically for scars and
quality of vessels. After perfusion, a wedge biopsy of both kidneys was
performed. Indications to use the kidneys for DKT/SKT or to discard them, was
assessed based on the results of glomerulosclerosis together with the donor’s
clinical data. If glomerulosclerosis was more 20%, DKT was indicated. If
glomerulosclerosis was more 50%, the kidneys were usually discarded. Although
the Remuzzi criteria are not used for kidney selection in our transplant center,
we evaluated them retrospectively.
Recipient criteria and surgical procedure
The recipient candidates for DKT in our center ≥ 60 years of age, with no
previous kidney transplant, panel reactive antibody level < 20%, body mass index
< 30, and had acceptable aortoiliac vessels and adequate dimensions of the
abdomen, allowing placement of 2 renal grafts. Patients with general
contraindications for renal transplant (ie, previous surgery on aortoiliac
vessels, anticoagulant therapy, and large polycystic kidneys) were not
considered for DKT. All protocols were approved by the ethics committee of the
institution before the study began, and the protocols conformed with the ethical
guidelines of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration. Written, informed consent was
obtained from all patients enrolled into the DKT program. Kidney grafts were
recovered using the standard multiorgan retrieval technique. Grafts were
preserved separately under hypothermic conditions or using a hypothermic machine
perfusion system (LifePort Kidney Transporter, Pulsatile Flow, Model LKT-100-P;
Organ Recovery Systems, Itasca, IL USA). After bench surgery, 2 kidney grafts
were implanted sequentially either bilaterally, using separate incisions, or
unilaterally. A urethral stent was not used routinely, and it was left for the
transplant surgeon’s consideration.
Clinical variables
We recorded the following donor parameters: age, sex, hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, last serum creatinine and eGFR-MDRD CrCl (eGFR according to MDRD
formula), type of preservation (hypothermic preservation or machine perfusion),
cold ischemic time, and graft biopsy results (containing at least 10 glomeruli
and at least 1 artery) including level of glomerulosclerosis (evaluated and
expressed as the percentage value of global sclerotic glomeruli). Donors > 60
years of age or between 50 and 59 years of age, with at least 2 of the following
3 risk factors: death from stroke, pre-existing hypertension or chronic kidney
disease with serum creatinine levels greater than 133 μmol/L were assigned as
ECD.27 Considered recipient parameters were: age, sex, time on the waiting list,
number of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mismatches, percentage of panel reactive
antibodies at the time of transplant, and indication for a kidney transplant.
All patients received induction therapy with thymoglobulin; maintenance
triple therapy included cyclosporine/tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and
steroids. We try to reduce the possible calcineurin-inhibitor nephrotoxicity.
Statistical analyses
The data are expressed as mean values ± standard deviation, median
(interquartile range) or frequencies (percentage). Graft and patient survival
rates were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Statistical analyses were
performed with SPSS software (SPSS: An IBM Company, version 13.0, IBM
Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Values for P < .05 were considered to be
Donor characteristics
The average donor age was 71.5 ± 3.6 years, with a female predominance of 12
(71%). Risk factors, hypertension, and diabetes were present in 16 patients
(94%) and 5 patients (29%). Traumatic, cerebrovascular, and hypoxic cause of
brain death among the donors for DKT occurred in 2 (12%), 13 (76%), and 2
patients (12%). The average serum creatinine and eGFR-MDRD CrCl of donors were
106.1 ± 44.2 μmol/L and 0.97 ± 0.37 mL/s. All donors were assigned as ECD. The
average number of sclerotic glomeruli per sample was 22.4 ± 14.2, and the
average Remuzzi score for both kidneys was 6.3 ± 1.1. Pulsatile machine
perfusion was used in 3 donors (18%).
Recipient characteristics
The average recipient age was 65.9 ± 4.7 years, with a male predominance of
13 (77%). The recipient’s kidney disease were diabetic nephropathy in 2 (12%),
glomerulonephritis in 6 (35%), IgA nephropathy in 3 (18%), lupus nephritis in 1
(6%), nephrosclerosis in 1 (6%), polycytosis (6%), and tubulointerstitial
nephritis in 3 patients (18%). The median time on the waiting list was 164 days
(range, 108-390 d). The median number of HLA mismatches and pretransplant panel
reactive antibodies were 3% (range, 2.5% to 4%) and 2% (range, 0% to 5%). Mean
cold ischemic time was 18.1 ± 4.1 hours and bilateral technique of transplant
was used in 16 recipients (94%).
Posttransplant outcome
The overall patient survival rates at 1 and 2 years after transplant were
93% for both. The overall graft survival rates at 1 and 2 years was 88% for
both. Overall, 6 grafts in 3 patients were lost. Two patients underwent
bilateral graft nephrectomy, 1 because of massive vascular thrombosis and 1,
owing to multiorgan failure (who died 1 year later from cardiovascular disease).
One patient lost both grafts, the first one on the seventh postoperative day
because of a vascular complication, and the second one during fourth
posttransplant year owing to infectious complications. This patient is still
Patient and graft survival curves are shown in Figure 1. Four patients had delayed graft function (25%) and 1 patient had an acute rejection episode (6%). Mean serum creatinine at the first and sixth month, and during the first and second years were 141 ± 44.2, 132 ± 26.5, 159 ± 26.5, and 186 ± 106.1 µmol/L. We observed posttransplant diabetes, pneumonia, and cardiovascular episodes in 2 (12%), 1 (6%), and 1 patient(s) (6%). Lymphocele and complex wound healing (ie, intestinal eventration) occurred in 2 (12%) and 1 patients (6%), while neoplastic complications were not observed. Ureteric complications were observed in 2 patients (12%), 1 requiring reoperation for ureteric necrosis, and 1 requiring temporary nephrostomy for ureteric stricture.
The first prospective controlled multicentric trial, which was designed to compare outcomes of DKT versus SKT was published by Remuzzi and associates in 1999.14 This study gave the fundamental knowledge for use of kidneys for a dual transplant, which would be otherwise discarded. Currently, a DKT is used as an option in many transplant centers. Dual kidney transplant gives us a chance to use kidneys from “marginal donors.” Some prospective and retrospective studies (Table 1) compared DKT with transplant of single ECD kidneys. These studies found lower or similar DGF rates after a DKT.12,17,18 Graft survival after a DKT compared with an SKT at 5 years (69% vs 61%) and 8 years (69.7% vs 59.4%) has been reported as comparable.28,29
Despite good DKT outcomes, decision-making remains the main dispute. The ongoing question is which kidneys should be used for single, and which for dual transplants, and which kidneys should be discarded. Despite the number of DKT selection parameters (see review part of this paper), there is no uniformity among transplant centers.6 To date, there is only 1 prospective controlled study that evaluated allocation algorithm. In this study, Snanoudj and associates10 used allocation criteria proposed by Remuzzi and associates.14 Andres and associates17 and UNOS criteria.18 However, he did not find any improvement in 12-month eGFR of DKT compared with allocation based on donor eGFR. The only consensus found among centers is the basic of conditions for ECD, which are generally accepted as the starting point for further decision-making. Assessing of the functional status of ECD kidneys, the results of preimplantation biopsy and additional parameters during preservation together with transplant center experience remain an effective and safe strategy for DKT selection.
The first report of DKT in the Czech republic30 was published by our team in 2008 and since the DKT program was nationally established. In this report, we retrospectively analyzed our own single-center experience of 17 recipients after DKT. Donors aged ˃ 65 years with eGFR < 1.1 mL/s or donors aged ˃ 65 years with a history of hypertension or diabetes were considered for DKT. After perfusion, wedge biopsy of both kidneys was performed and the final decision for accepting or discarding SKT/DKT was based on the assessment of all available parameters of the donor. The information obtained from pre-implantation biopsies in our institute focuses mainly on glomerulosclerosis.
Our selection criteria are similar to those used by UNOS. If any 2 of the following donor criteria exist (age ˃ 60 years; eGFR < 1.1 mL/s, sCr ˃ 221 μmol/L; presence of hypertension or diabetes with glomerulosclerosis between 15% and 50%), DKT is considered. In our study, the average donor age was 71.5 ± 3.6 years with average serum creatinine, creatinine clearance and average number of sclerotic glomeruli, 106.1 ± 44.2 μmol/L, 0.97 ± 0.37 mL/s, 1 and 22.4 ± 14.2. The Remuzzi score was retrospectively evaluated in 14 donors and for both kidneys the average score was 6.3 ± 1.1. Eight recipients had Remuzzi score in range 4-6. Such results proved to be acceptable for DKT by a prospective study.14,15 Conversely, 3 patients with the score of 7 also had good posttransplant outcomes, comparable with recipients with a score of 4 to 6. We also had 2 patients with Remuzzi score of 8, and 1 with a score of 9, in whom posttransplant function was lost during the early posttransplant period, as this scoring system predicts. Despite Remuzzi’s approach for ECD kidney transplants was proved accurate in many prospective and retrospective studies,14-16,31-33 we cannot confirm this, probably because of the small number of patients in our study.
The early and intermediate results in our retrospective single-center study are comparable with many retrospective and some prospective studies (Table 1). Immediate graft function and acute rejection episodes were observed in 75% and 6% of patients. These data are comparable with the largest DKT study published by Gill and associates,12 where the occurrence of DGF and acute graft rejection were 29.3% and 5%. Overall graft survival at 2 years after transplant in our study was 88%, which is comparable with some studies.10,12,21 The main limitation of this study is its retrospective fashion and small study group.
In conclusion, previous studies and our single-center experience suggest that the dual transplant procedures may activate improve the results of kidney transplants from ECDs and extend the donor pool by using kidneys that would otherwise be discarded. However, DKT does not, per se, guarantee the same outcomes as an SKT from a standard criteria donor.
Volume : 11
Issue : 5
Pages : 388 - 395
DOI : 10.6002/ect.2013.0040
From the 1Department of Surgery, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; the 2Department of Preventive Cardiology, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; the 3Center for Cardiovascular Prevention of the First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and Thomayer Hospital, Prague Czech Republic; the 4International Clinical Research Center, St. Anne's University Hospital, Brno Czech Republic; the 5Department of Nephrology, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; and the 6Transplantcenter, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
Acknowledgements: The authors declare they have no conflicts of
Corresponding author: Peter Balaz, MD, PhD, Transplant Center, Institute
for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Videnska 1958/9, 14021 Prague,
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 236136 5268
Fax: +420 236136 2822
E-mail: peter.balaz@ikem.cz
Table 1. Review of the Main Studies Relating to Adult Dual Kidney Transplant
Figure 1. Patient and Graft Survival After a Dual Kidney Transplant